
Mark Bodanza


"Ever since Colton arrived at Tri-State Bible Baptist Church, he has been a continual blessing to me. Colton has been a faithful minister to the local church and as his Pastor, I fully support the calling and work of Evangelist Colton Wyatt Lee”

"From the first day he arrived at Ambassador Baptist College, Colton Lee has exhibited in his daily life the obvious call to evangelism.  He has been active in personal witness, in outreach ministries in his local church, in evangelistic mission trips, and in summer camping ministries.  God has already opened many doors for him to preach in a variety of ministries through independent Baptist churches.

It has been my privilege to have Colton work alongside me in some of my recent revival meetings.  He has preached to the young people in the Christian school as well as in Sunday School classes and has been blessed to see spiritual fruit and professions of faith.  I heartily recommend his ministry to any independent Baptist church.  God’s hand is on him."

"Every generation looks over their shoulder at the next generation and wonders, ‘Is the cause of Christ in safe hands? Is all that we’ve stood for going to be for naught? What will their generation hand to the next generation when they are gone?’

When I listen to Colton Lee preach, when I see his heart for the Word of God, and when I see his compassion for the lost, I do not wonder what will happen. 

I am confident God’s hand is on Brother Lee. The future of independent Baptists is safe because of men like Colton Lee."


"I believe in revival and evangelism and am thankful for men who have a burden similar to mine. Colton has that burden and I am praying that he will be used to help stir churches to revival and to lead many souls to our Savior Jesus Christ. You should pray with me for him and consider partnering with him in your church and ministry."

"It's been a blessing to get to know Colton Lee over the past few years. He has an obvious hunger to preach the Word of God and a sincere desire to minister to people. It is clear to me, as I'm sure it will be to you, that he is gifted as an evangelist, and God has already begun to use Him. I have witnessed Colton's servant heart within my family, in our local church, in camp settings and elsewhere. I strongly encourage you to use this young man to preach to your people."