2020 July and August Update

Travels | Deputation | Future

“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8


Lots of changes have happened in our life this last month, and we know that more are coming in the future. We are thankful for a Savior who never changes; a Savior who continues to love us and is patient with us as we grow in our sanctification. It brings true peace when we rest in the One who holds the future. 

On June 29th, we traveled to Lake City, Florida. We helped out a church there for three weeks. I filled the pulpit in place of Pastor Lloyd Streeter who has been helping in a temporary capacity until a recent health issue. The third week of July we continued our deputation. We were in Pennsylvania for one Sunday and then headed to Illinois. While in Illinois, we had the opportunity to help out with a youth rally for one evening. I also had the opportunity to speak on the Reformers Unanimous (RU) Facebook Live. This was at the RU head quarters in Rockford, Illinois. God is using this  wonderful ministry to spread the hope of the gospel to the suffering and lost. There is no sinner too great that the Lord cannot save them and change their lives for His glory. 


The first weekend of August, we headed back to New England. We immediately began looking for a new apartment. God is leading us on from our summer time ministry that we had at Camp Northfield. We are excited to be fully focused on Project Everywhere. The Lord provided a beautiful apartment in Townshend, Vermont. Moving in and getting settled has kept us busy for a couple of weeks. The Lord also provided me with a job for the fall and winter time while we are in New England for a while. Lord willing, we will continue deputation in the New England states on Sundays until the Spring time when we will begin traveling more extensively again. 

We are sad to announce that we will not be traveling to the Solomon Islands this December and January. The Solomon Islands are on lock down due to Covid-19. Lord willing, we still plan on going to the Solomon Islands to work with Michael Deatrick in the future. 

God’s desire is that all hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, so when it seems Satan is trying to stop the good news from going forth, the Lord gives us different opportunities to go forth and preach. We are excited to announce the first Project Everywhere and See the Harvest (a WWNTBM ministry) combined missions trip. Summer of 2021, there will be a two-part trip to Boston and Scotland. We will have more details in our following prayer update. 

We are excited to announce the newest member of Project Everywhere. Due to the location of the child in my wife’s womb, the little one will not be joining us until February 2021.

Prayer Requests 

  • Pray that churches will take Project Everywhere on for monthly support. 

  • Pray for God’s blessing and provision for the upcoming trip to Boston and Scotland.

  • Pray for the healthy development of baby Lee. 

Constrained by Love,

Colton W. Lee

Missionary - Evangelist
