2020 March and April Update

May 2, 2020

2020 March and April Update

Church Planting | Travels | Deputation 

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” Hebrews 11:6   


The last weekend of March, I was able to preach the revival services for our home church in New Hampshire.  The theme for the revivals was Living by Faith. Months ago when I knew that this was the theme the Lord wanted me to preach on, I did not realize how perfect the timing was going to be for these messages.  In times of instability and in times of security,  Christians must live by faith. Biblical faith is a choice to trust God and is revealed by our obedience to God.  Even though our normal life routines have been disrupted, we can still obey God and be a testimony to the dying world around us that we trust in the One who knows the end from  the beginning.


The last two Wednesdays of February, we had the opportunity to help Nick Stelzig at Community Baptist Church. 

The first of March, we hit the deputation road for Project Everywhere. We had about two months of meetings lined up. Our first stop was a missions conference in Hendersonville, NC. It was a blessing to meet other missionaries and hear about their ministries for the Lord. The third Sunday in March, we were in Winamac, IN.   Unfortunately due to the spread of Covid-19, the remainder of our meetings were canceled through April. It was a discouraging ride back home to Massachusetts, however, the Lord has continued to provide for all our needs. Throughout April, the Lord has allowed me to minister to a couple of youth groups via Zoom, and I was also able to present Project Everywhere to a church through Zoom. 


We are still going to be helping the Stelzigs at Community Baptist Church for the month of May. Because of social distancing, we will be doing lots of work projects on the church building and out reach through social media. 

We are excited to present Project Everywhere through an online missions conference on May 4 @ 7pm EST. This missions conference is being put on by our mission board, World Wide New Testament Baptist Mission. You can view this missions conference on Facebook.

We are encouraged by the number of people who have put their Pray for Project Everywhere stickers in places where they can remember to pray for our ministry. 

Prayer Requests

  1. Pray that Christ will continue to build His church, Community Baptist Church. 

  2. Pray that we can reschedule all our meetings and more in the up coming year. 

  3. Pray for God’s blessing on an upcoming 2 month trip to the Solomon Islands.

Constrained by Love,

Colton W. Lee

Missionary Evangelist

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2020 January and February Update

Project Everywhere | Church Planting | Prayer Cards


Melodie and I enjoyed a quiet Christmas and New Year settling into our apartment in Massachusetts. It took us a couple of weeks to get everything organized, but we are thankful to be settled in now.

The first Sunday in January, we presented Project Everywhere and the need for evangelism in the uttermost at a church in Acme, Pennsylvania. We praise the Lord the opportunities that He has given us to present Project Everywhere in churches as we continue to raise support. In March, we will be in North Carolina for several weeks of deputation and then in April we are off to Michigan and Wisconsin!

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We are excited to be with church- planter Nick Stelzig in May as he starts Community Baptist Church in Lawrence, Massachusetts. We will be working with him for the whole month: door knocking, park evangelism, street evangelism and building relationships with the people in the community. Pray for God to open the hearts of lost people to hear the gospel and be saved!


We are excited to announce that our prayer cards are finished. If you would like one, contact us and we will send it your way. It
has been encouraging to send out several hundred prayer cards to individuals and churches that go on our behalf to the throne of Grace. We need you to pray for God to open doors for the gospel to go forth in unreached places all over the world. Pray for Project Everywhere.

Prayer Requests

  1. Pray for safety as we travel on deputation.

  2. Pray that more churches will support Project Everywhere.

  3. Pray for Community Baptist Church as the Stelzigs launch the church in May.

  4. Pray that the Lord will open up future ministry for us to go to unreached places and preach the Gospel.

Constrained by Love,

Colton W. Lee


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2019 Winter Update

Wedding Day | Project Everywhere - Yap | Deputation


Wedding Day

On November 23, I had the privilege of marrying the love of my life, Melodie! We are so excited to start life together as a couple. Melodie and I are excited for the doors to preach the gospel that are open unto us. We plan to continue reaching unreached people with the lifesaving gospel of Jesus Christ.

Project Everywhere - Yap

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My three-month long trip to Yap, Micronesia helped missionary Paul Zimmer as he worked to raise support for the growing Christian school ministry in Yap. The school that I helped at started several years ago and is over 120 with a waiting list due the small facility. While in Yap, the Lord orchestrated a conversation with an islander who told me of over a dozen islands nearby that do not have the gospel. I believe these conversations are divine appointments and I feel personally responsible to see to it that these islands have at least a chance to hear about the true gospel of Jesus.  



Melodie and I have scheduled several months worth of deputation in KS, WI, NC, PA, NY and VA. We are looking to schedule more as we have time too while we also serve at Camp Northfield. Pray for Project Everywhere as we seek to reach unreached people groups with the good news found in knowing Christ.

Constrained by Love,

Colton W. Lee



2019 Fall Update

Yap, Micronesia | The Wedding Day | Camp Northfield


Ministry in Yap, Micronesia FSM


At the time of my writing, I have been on the island of Yap for about a month. While on Yap, I am working with Faith Baptist Church. During my time here, I am preaching through the book of James, or at least as much as I can before I leave. The church has a large Christian school ministry called Faith Christian Academy that God is continuing to bless. This year they have over 100 students and there is a waiting list for students that desire to come, but there just isn’t enough room for them. Missionary Paul Zimmer is currently in the states raising support for this ministry so that they can take on more students. There is a Dengue Fever scare on the island, so I am doing my best to stay healthy and off the menu for mosquitos that possibly are carrying the virus. Please continue to pray that God would give me wisdom and direction as I minister in place of their normal pastor.

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The Wedding Day

I am very excited that in 68 days, I will marry the love of my life, Melodie. We will be getting married at her home church in Derby, KS. Melodie and I are both excited to continue serving in the ministry together. Please pray for us as we schedule meetings and endeavour to raise more monthly support for Project Everywhere.

Camp Northfield

We had a great summer at Camp Northfield and are now making plans for next summer. This last summer we saw campers from junior age to teens get saved and make life changing decisions for Christ! Camp ministry has a special place in my heart, it was at a Christian camp that God called me into the ministry. Camp can be a very effective ministry in that it removes people from their normal environment and gives them a time where they can focus on God and His Word.

Constrained by Love,
